Richard explores how, in order to practice meditation effectively, two things are required. A Clear Intention and a Knowing of what you want to use.
To live life rather than just survive it...
Be Present in your body…
Be Relaxed in your mind…
…You’ll find you are already who you are seeking.
On these pages you’ll find all current videos that are published on my YouTube channel. To be kept informed as new ones are uploaded –Subscribe
12b. Meditation – Going Deeper
Richard cycles through the sequence of the three essential Life Qualities that are at the heart of this practice. Presence, Softness and Heart. He gently takes you deeper.
13a. Talk – What’s it all about?
Richard explores, with the aid of stories and a sketch, the dynamics of spiritual awakening and how to allow it.
13b. Meditation – Coming Home
Richards guides you in this meditation to that place of “homecoming” where we are not separate from ourselves.
14a. Meditation on Releasing the Habit of Outer Identity
Richard takes you past your habit of identifying yourself with who you think you are and invites you towards your essence.
14b. Talk – The Habit of Outer Identity
Richard talks about our habit of hiding behind our various identities and encourages us to take the journey back home.
14c. Meditation – Here Am I
Richard finishes the series with this simple guided meditation back to the fullness of who you are.
15. Meditation – Stillness of Creation in You
Richard guides you into a contemplation that leads to the busy mind relaxing into the stillness of Creation