Richard discusses the problems of being disconnected from your true nature and nature itself and talks about how to heal this with a meditation.
To live life rather than just survive it...
Be Present in your body…
Be Relaxed in your mind…
…You’ll find you are already who you are seeking.
On these pages you’ll find all current videos that are published on my YouTube channel. To be kept informed as new ones are uploaded –Subscribe
5b. Meditation on the Three Great Powers
The Three Great Powers is a led meditation taking you on a journey to connect with the Earth, the Sky and the Third Great Power, You, who bridges heaven and earth.SHOW MORE
6a. Talk on Reclaiming our Centre
Richard talks about how so many of us have had our shape dented by life, which compromises who we are and how we live life.
6b. Meditation “The Golden Bowl” – finding your Centre
This video isa led meditation entitled “The Golden Bowl”. It guides you back to your Centre and allows it to refill into a Golden Bowl, rather like water re hydrates dried fruit.
7a. Talk on The Mind of Mystery
In this talk Richard explores the difference between the “foreground mind” like thought and worry and the “background mind” which receives things as they are in a fluid and open way.
7b. Meditation on Releasing the Mind
An experiential meditation in which Richard leads you to a place where he helps you feel the dynamic of a mind released and relaxed.
8a. Talk on Listening from your Wisdom
In this talk Richard explores the best way to listen to make the most of any talk.
8b. Talk – A leaf holds together for love
In this talk Richard explores what is Heart in its deepest sense.