If working one to one with me doesn’t appeal, then group sessions or courses are the way forward.
There are two ways to do this, through TMW Training and through the Metatronic Healing Course Pathway. New courses that allow you to work with me are listed in the News section. There is a link to the right taking you to the courses page of TMW Training. So take a look and if I am not offering something see if there is a TMW Trainer in your area offering classes. There is also a link to the course page of Metatronic Healing.
Another possibility is that you invite me to come to you. If you have a group of people who would be interested in hearing about the different aspects of this work whether through a talk, a group class experience working with whichever Principle or Strand that attracts you, anything is possible, provided that enough people are interested.
If you want to contact me for more information or to explore possibilities, then please do.
To book a session please get in touch via:
m: 07766278475
e: richard@richard-farmer.com
t: 01989740590