To live life rather than just survive it...
Be Present in your body…
Be Relaxed in your mind…
…You’ll find you are already who you are seeking.

Metatronic Healing

Metatronic Life Metatronic Healing – Metatronic Healing® was founded by Pippa Merivale in 2007 to aid your spiritual journey and wellbeing. Its purpose is to empower you through its course structure to feel and live from your Truest Self. By engaging in this pathway, your health and wellbeing will also be supported to improve.

It can also be a path to becoming a Metatronic Practitioner and for those who already are involved in healing, it can be a powerful addition to your healing art.

These courses are now only given by two Metatronic Teachers, Richard Farmer and Clare Glennon.

How can I engage with Metatronic Healing?

The best way to do this is to participate in Metatronic Courses:

  • Opening the Healing Pathways – The Foundation. Through seven attunements and transmissions, you are reconnected to the divine aspects of your true being. This course also gives you the healing tools which make up the foundation of Metatronic Healing techniques.
  • Golden Alchemy – The Intermediate. Through life’s challenges, our trust in Life and our connection with nature, is shaken and in some cases broken. This course re-makes your “Tree of Life”, re-fortifies your energetic system and completes the second stage of the Metatronic Healing technique, to enable you to offer a full Metatronic Healing.
  • Ancestral Songlines – Healing the Past. With the grounding of the first two courses we are able to begin three major clearings, starting with your unconscious conditioning and wounds, family patterns and personal history.
  • Crystal Radiance – The Advanced Course: the second major clearing using 12 attunements and 12 crystal transmissions to bring healing to deep emotions.
  • Music of the Spheres – The Cosmic Course: the third major clearing focusing on our mental positioning the freeing of which leads to the blessing of radical forgiveness.
  • A Walk with the Masters – bringing the matrix of Metatronically chosen masters into the weave of our Being to deepen our connection to Divinity.

With the completion of these courses you will have over 65 different healing energies to use in a healing meditation for yourself or others.

A word about Metatron – in 2007 Pippa became a channel for an archangel called Metatron, to bring in a new, unique and direct method of healing for our time: Metatronic Healing® – Metatron’s personal healing system. Metatron is described as the angel of Divine Presence – peace that passes all understanding – and the archangel who bridges Heaven and Earth. As a result of his work as a human, he is sometimes regarded as the “older spiritual brother” who knows where we are and what we need. Metatron holds the blueprint for our spiritual journey, and reaches his hand across the veil to guide us back home to health and fullness of being.

and Metatronic Healing – The power of Metatronic Healing is given by an attunement, a physical touch re-calibrating a specific part of your body or energy, and a Transmission, the gift of an energetic healing tool which can be re-accessed at any time. These two gifts gently resonate with that part of us which is divine, amplifying and encouraging us away from our old “stories” and more into the light of our truth. This alone is quite a profound and yet simple, gentle experience. Metatron’s promise was that this method of energy healing would “lift the unconscious story from the body’s cellular memory and activate the heart centre”.

Spiritual growth happens in two ways: one, the knowing of our True Nature and the other, healing that which obscures it. One of our main obscurations is the stories that we believe about who we are and how it is. To be healed of these creates a huge release of life force and a real invitation to live life not just survive it.

Group Healing Meditation Sessions:

The second way to experience this pathway is through group healing meditation sessions. These are led by a Metatronic Teacher or specially trained advanced student, and offer an experience of the quiet yet powerful energies and atmospheres that come with a Metatronic frequency. Some of these sessions are to introduce Metatronic Healing and its pathway, and others have a theme of healing, say for the heart, as an example. They often start with a simple meditation to help you arrive, a short talk and then the healing session which lasts about 40 minutes. They finish with an opportunity to ask questions or share your experience, and then close with a Metatronic blessing.

Metatronic Healing Sessions:

The third way of connecting is with an individual session from a Metatronic Healer.

Can Metatronic Healing help me?

The simple answer is “Yes it can!” Energy or Life Force is the foundation of being well and is a natural part of our makeup. This has been known throughout the centuries and is once again gradually becoming acceptable in the West. You might think about it like this: when the flow of our life force is compromised or blocked, then this has a negative effect on our health. By directing a flow of healing energy towards these places of constriction, the restriction is unwound and released, restoring the natural balance to the system.

How does it do that?

A Metatronic Healer has a number of Metatronic healing energies at his or her disposal. These include core aspects of Metatron’s angelic energies, the vibration of crystals and precious gems like diamonds and rubies, and metals like gold and silver. An Advanced Metatronic Healer can have up to 65 different healing energies which can be used in any combination to meet a wide range of needs. In addition, there are a number of sequences designed to bring about deep clearing, or empowerment, or a re-mapping of our life path. Of course, all of this is over-lighted by the angelic healing of Metatron..

The session can be given with you physically present, or more often, at a distance. Either way the power of the healing is the same, although some people prefer to be present for it, at least for the first session.

See for more details of where the nearest Metatronic Healers are to you.